
L a r r y P a g e !

When Larry Page founded google, he didn't do it by creating a crazy complex algorithum for searching the web. It was a simple one, that just worked. I love elegant solutions like this. But the reason google succedded where other search engines failed was because of its simlicity, users were able to get to what they wanted without even having to pay attention to the search engine. Also, his goals to orginize the worlds information is a massive, yet desperatly needed one. Imagine the advancements we could make if everone has acess to literaly all the information in the world. Quests for ancient scrolls scattered around the globe will no more, and thank god for that, I cant handle another one of those quests again.


Lawrence "Larry" Page (born March 26, 1973) is an American computer scientist and internet entrepreneur who co-founded Google Inc. with Sergey Brin, and is the CEO of Google's parent company, Alphabet Inc. Page is the inventor of PageRank, Google's best-known search ranking algorithm. As of November 2014, Google has 55,600 employees and operates in more than 40 countries. Larry Page Page is a board member of the X Prize Foundation (XPRIZE) and was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 2004. Page received the Marconi Prize in 2004. Page was born in East Lansing, Michigan, United States (U.S.).] His father, Carl Vincent Page, Sr., earned a PhD in computer science in 1965, when the field was being established, and has been described by BBC reporter Will Smale as a "pioneer in computer science and artificial intelligence." He was a computer science professor at Michigan State University and Page's mother, Gloria, was an instructor in computer programming at Lyman Larry Page Briggs College at Michigan State University. Page's mother is Jewish, but he was not raised in a religious household and "does not readily identify as a Jew." During Larry Page an interview, Larry Page recalled his childhood, noting that his house "was usually a mess, with computers, Science and Technology magazines and Popular Science magazines all over the place", an environment in which he immersed himself. Page was an avid reader during his youth, writing in his 2013 Google founders letter that "I remember spending a huge amount of time poring over books and magazines". According to writer Nicholas Carlson, the combined influence of Page's home atmosphere and his attentive parents "fostered creativity and invention". Page also played saxophone and studied music composition while growing up. Page has mentioned that his musical education inspired his impatience and obsession with speed in computing. "In some sense I feel like music training led Larry Page to the high-speed legacy of Google for me,". In an interview Page said that "In music you’re very cognizant of time. Time is like the primary thing" and that "If you think about it from a music point of view, if you’re a percussionist, you hit something, it’s got to happen in milliseconds, fractions of a second"